Tell me a bit about yourself: your age, preferred pronouns, current concerns, and what changes you’d like to make. Has therapy been helpful in the past?
Please check your benefits before contacting me. Let me know if your policy has out-of-network coverage, and what that coverage is (annual deductible & copay / coinsurance)
By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept that risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "submit" you agree to hold Tori Corbett, LCSW harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.
Empowering highly sensitive, perfectionistic Bi+ women - and other social misfits - to reduce anxiety, fight burn-out, establish people-pleasing boundaries, and embrace their unique kick-ass identity.
Online individual LGBTQIA+ therapy in Oregon